Other Chapels in the boroughs

the Chapels in the boroughs 

Other significant chapels also from an historical point of view are found scattered in the various villages of the territory of Maratea to complement those of the Historic Center (see).

Chapels in the valley and in the high villages

In the valley of Maratea there is the chapel of St. Lucia, located in the Ondavo district, which preserves a splendid fresco, recently admirably restored, of the XVI century, depicting the Madonna with Child flanked by S. Biagio and S. Lucia.

Characteristic of the fresco is to place the patron saint of Maratea has the right of the Madonna, and not to the left, as happens in all other cases.
On the tympanum of the little chapel we can read the Latin couplet
«Lucida Lucenti Luciscis, Lucia, Luce Lux Mea Lucescat, Lucia, Luce Tua»
("O Lucia, you shine with vivid light to those who live in the light, my light, or Lucia, shine in your brightness").

At the Campo district is located in an unhappy position, the chapel of S. Barbara, of the eighteenth century, originally named after S. Maria della Potenza, which preserves a marble altar and a wooden state of the saint.

Between the S. Caterina and Massa fractions is the Fatima chapel, erected with a characteristic dome in 1945 by the citizen Anna Iannini for a vote made on August 15, 1943, during the bombing of the Allies on Maratea.

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Chapels of the marine fractions

In Fiumicello - Santavenere there is the chapel of the Madonna delle Grazie, an ancient patronal chapel of the hamlet, dating back to the 19th century; and the chapel of St. Joseph, at the beach, privately owned.

In Marina there is a second chapel of S. Giuseppe, equally privately owned, ancient chapel of an ancient olive oil mill, now dilapidated, near the Grotta di Marina.

Also in Marina we find the chapel of S. Michele, whose restoration works can be seen along the state road, and the chapel of S. Bartolomeo called "S. Bartolo ", in the homonymous district, of the XVIII-XIX century; both privately owned.

In Castrocucco there are the chapel of S. Gerardo, patronal of the hamlet, built in the early twentieth century, and the colorful chapel of the Immaculate, privately owned, built by the baron and philanthropist Emanuele Labanchi in 1926.

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