Paestum | Museum and  its archaeological site

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Paestum or Poseidonia ? 

Like Laos, even Poseidon, the present Paestum, was founded by settlers from Sibari.
Situated at the mouth of the River Sele, in the territory of the present municipality of Capaccio the Lucani occupied Poseidonia at the end of the 5th century. To C., as evidenced by the various painted tombs found in the territory.
Only then (273 BC) the Romans founded on what remained of Poseidon the colony of Paestum, giving new development and wealth to the area.

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PAESTUM. At the Origin of Myth

The area is of great importance for the number and quality of the archaeological fields present, which can be divided, in general, between the Greeks, the Lucan and the Roman ones.
The perimeter of urban walls is of considerable interest and extends for about 5 kilometers with a thickness varying between 5 and 7 meters, built by Lucani on a pre-existing Greek foundation.
Of the Poseidonia Greek colony are the "basilica", a temple dedicated to Hera from the 6th century. BC, the temple of Neptune (half V AC) and the temple of Ceres (late VI century BC) At the mouth of the Sele River, about 9 kilometers was found the Hera sanctuary with a porch, the largest temple and The temple "thesauros".
The remains of the Roman colony are those related to the Forum, surrounded by public buildings such as "macellum" and "comitium", the "gymnasium" complex with the sacred pool, while the amphitheater is located to the east of the hole.
The NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM collects finds found in the area with some details such as the Metope of the Hera sanctuary, the most important of Magna Grecia, a rich collection of funeral paintings and finally the famous tomb of the diver.

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Useful information for the visit

Opening time
MUSEUM: 8: 45-19: 30
Every day except 1st and 3rd Monday of the month and 1/1, 1/5, 25/12
DUNS: from 8:45 to 1 hour before sunset (you enter up to 2 hours before) daily except 1/1, 1/5 and 25/12

Via Magna Grecia, 919 Paestum I-84047 Capaccio (Sa)
Tel.:(+39) 0928 811023
Distance from Maratea: by car:
120 km in 2h, 00
By train: 1h and 30m (Station adjacent to the archaeological site)
Tickets are sold at the Museum:
€ 7 Museum + Excavations
€ 4 only Museum (if excavations are closed)
€ 6 Excavations only (if the museum is closed)
€ 8 euro Museum + Excavations + Velia (convenient if you are going to visit also Velia)
Main discounts:
Reductions 50% 18 to 25 years free up to 18 years old and students; Other reductions and allowances provided

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